
If you’d like to develop or make contributions for OSAFT, fork the repository from Gitlab Gorkov Repository. If you would like to be even more involved contact either ExtremOPS or jonas.fankhauser directly to be included into project as a developer.

In any case, pull OSAFT to your computer and install locally with pip:

pip install -e "/path/to/osaft[dev,docs]"

The option [dev,docs] ensures that all python packages are installed that are needed for contribution.

You might want to have it all installed in a virtual python environment. If so, have a look here and follow the instructions.

In any case, Pull requests and Issues are absolutely welcome!

Code Philosophy#

Our goal is to have code that is

  1. accessible

  2. extensive

  3. easy to use for users AND developers

  4. fully tested and validated

Therefore, we implemented several classes that are used throughout the different solutions in our Core Modules module. Most solutions differ in the combination of the used physical model for the Fluids, the physical model for the Solids, and the Backgroundfields. These core classes are the foundation for every solution.

We ensure a homogeneous user interface by defining three base classes with templated methods for the solution of the acoustic scattering problem (Base Scattering), the solution of the acoustic streaming problem (Base Streaming), and also for the solution of the acoustic radiation force (Base ARF). The solutions to the specific problem need to inherit from the base classes. In addition, if a model implements at least two of these solutions, we encourage that Base ARF inherits from Base Streaming which inherits from Base Scattering.

This reflects also most solutions where the acoustic radiation force is dependent on the solution to the acoustic streaming problem which is in turn dependent on the solution for the acoustic scattering problem. For implementations where just 2 out of the three are implemented, one can also neglect the missing code inheritance (see Yosioka & Kawasima (1955)).

Lastly, we utilize the Observer Design Pattern for the parameters of the model to reduce redundant computations because the parameter value gets only recomputed when one of its dependencies changed. The classes PassiveVariable and ActiveVariable implement the observer pattern. A PassiveVariable is the parameter that can be set. An ActiveVariable is dependent on at least one passive one. The developer only needs to set the respective links in the code.

These links, as well as every new introduced methods are tested with our testsuite. We aim for a coverage of 99% or more to ensure trustworthy code. WE do not only test for right implementations of methods but also if the theory produce same results for special limiting cases. Especially the passing of the physical tests gives the necessary confidence that this code is right.

Coding Style#

To adhere to the code style of OSAFT we use the pre-commit package. This package is automatically installed when you use the [dev,docs] option. This package installs a list of so-called git hooks that check the staged changes before committing. The list of hooks is available in the .pre-commit-config.yml file. In any case, the pipeline on Gitlab will check before every pull request if the defined hooks pass.

You setup pre-commit to run automatically on code commits with

pre-commit install

This means that every time you commit something the hooks are run first on the staged files. If one of those fail, you have to fix the errors first before you are able to commit.


pre-commit run --all-files

all files will be checked against the hooks.

If you want to bypass the hooks you can use the --no-verify option with git commit

git commit -m "A good descriptive message" --no-verify

Keep in mind that this is just a local bypass. The coding will be tested anyways on all pull/merge requests.


We want to have with each new line of code an appropriate test that ensures the validity of those lines. In some cases, this means to implement a formula/algorithm/method a second time in the test-suite. This seems tedious but in the long run it will save hours and nerves when debugging.

Our idea is that each file that introduces a new functionality to the code, e.g. methods and properties, is tested in a separate file with the same name plus prefix test_ as the source but located in the tests/ folder. E.g. the osaft/core/ file has a testing counterpart under tests/core/

There are different ways to run the tests. Many IDEs include it in their GUI to make it as user-friendly as possible. In any case, you can run from the command line (the program coverage is also automatically installed with the [dev,docs] option)

coverage run -m unittest discover -v tests/

This will run all tests in the tests/ folder. In order to asses the coverage of the code you can run either

coverage report -m


coverage html

The first option will print the coverage report to the command line and the second option will create a folder htmlcov/ which includes a index.html file. You can open this with any web-browser of you choice and the navigate through the code to see the untested parts. You can also run both sequentially with

coverage html && coverage report -m

As with the pre-commits, the code will be tested anyways for every merge/pull request.


We want to document the changes/additions/deletions that are applied with every new merge/pull request. For that we maintain the file. But it is also not just about the documentation. We also want to give credit to everybody that contributes to OSAFT. In order to do so, please also adapt this file accordingly when you create a merge/pull request.

Documentation builds#

As with the testing, we aim for a well documented code. Most of the documentation will be build anyways because of the docstrings that are within the code.

This means that no action other than writing docstrings is necessary if you add something to already existing code. If, however, you add e.g. a new solution with the name NewSolution2000 which is highly welcomed and appreciated, you need to create a newsolution2000.rst file under docs/solutions/. You can copy the content from another solution, e.g. docs/solutions/yosioka1995.rst , and adapt it accordingly.

To build and view the documentation you need to navigate into

cd docs

and build the code

make clean html

This command removes all previous builds (clean) and builds a new one in html format (html). You can view the build documentation with your browser by opening docs/_build/html/index.html.