Pressure Plots for different theories#

This example shows how to plot the pressure field for different theories in one single figure.

In this example we are investigating a polystyrene particle in a viscous oil in a standing wave.

13 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
15 import osaft
17 # --------
18 # Geometry
19 # --------
20 # Radius
21 R_0 = 5e-6  # [m]
23 # -------------------------
24 # Properties of polystyrene
25 # -------------------------
26 # Density
27 rho_ps = 1_050  # [kg/m^3]
28 # Young's modulus
29 E_ps = 3.25e9  # [Pa]
30 # Poisson's ratio
31 nu_ps = 0.34  # [-]
32 # Speed of sound (matching compressibility)
33 c_ps = (E_ps / (rho_ps * 3 * (1 - 2 * nu_ps))) ** 0.5  # [m/s]
35 # -------------------
36 # Properties of Oil
37 # -------------------
38 # Density
39 rho_oil = 923  # [kg/m^3]
40 # Speed of sound
41 c_oil = 1_445  # [m/s]
42 # Viscosity
43 eta_oil = 0.03  # [Pa s]
44 zeta_oil = 0  # [Pa s]
46 # --------------------------------
47 # Properties of the Acoustic Field
48 # --------------------------------
49 # Frequency
50 f = 1e6  # [Hz]
51 # Pressure
52 p_0 = 1e5  # [Pa]
53 # Wave type
54 wave_type = osaft.WaveType.STANDING
55 # position
56 position = osaft.pi / 4

Once all properties are defined we can initialize the solution instances for the scattering field. We also save the solutions to a list which will make looping in the next steps straightforward.

 63 solutions = []
 65 solutions.append(
 66     osaft.king1934.ScatteringField(
 67         f=f,
 68         R_0=R_0,
 69         rho_s=rho_ps,
 70         rho_f=rho_oil,
 71         c_f=c_oil,
 72         p_0=p_0,
 73         wave_type=wave_type,
 74         position=position,
 75     ),
 76 )
 79 solutions.append(
 80     osaft.yosioka1955.ScatteringField(
 81         f=f,
 82         R_0=R_0,
 83         rho_s=rho_ps,
 84         c_s=c_ps,
 85         rho_f=rho_oil,
 86         c_f=c_oil,
 87         p_0=p_0,
 88         wave_type=wave_type,
 89         position=position,
 90     ),
 91 )
 93 solutions.append(
 94     osaft.hasegawa1969.ScatteringField(
 95         f=f,
 96         R_0=R_0,
 97         rho_s=rho_ps,
 98         E_s=E_ps,
 99         nu_s=nu_ps,
100         rho_f=rho_oil,
101         c_f=c_oil,
102         p_0=p_0,
103         wave_type=wave_type,
104         position=position,
105     ),
106 )
108 solutions.append(
109     osaft.doinikov1994rigid.ScatteringField(
110         f=f,
111         R_0=R_0,
112         rho_s=rho_ps,
113         rho_f=rho_oil,
114         c_f=c_oil,
115         eta_f=eta_oil,
116         zeta_f=zeta_oil,
117         p_0=p_0,
118         wave_type=wave_type,
119         position=position,
120     ),
121 )

The next step is to initialise the plotter. We need a separate plotter for all solutions. We can now make use of the list of solutions. The respective plotters will be saved in a dictionary where the key is the name of the solution.

129 plotter = {}
130 for solution in solutions:
131     plotter[] = osaft.FluidScatteringPlot(
132         solution,
133         r_max=5 * solution.R_0,
134     )

Now we initialise an empty figure with four subplots and pass the plt.Axes object to the plotting function. Additionally, we will also change the title of the subplot.

143 fig, axes = plt.subplots(
144     nrows=2,
145     ncols=2,
146     figsize=(10, 10),
147     sharex=True,
148     sharey=True,
149 )
151 count = 0
152 for name, plotter in plotter.items():
153     ax = axes.flat[count]
154     plotter.plot_pressure(
155         inst=True,
156         incident=False,
157         scattered=True,
158         ax=ax,
159     )
160     ax.set_title(name)
162     # remove the y and x label for non-boundary subplots
163     if count == 0:  # top left
164         ax.set_xlabel("")
165     elif count == 1:  # top right
166         ax.set_xlabel("")
167         ax.set_ylabel("")
168     elif count == 3:  # bottom right
169         ax.set_ylabel("")
171     count += 1
173 fig.tight_layout()
King1934, Yosioka1955, Hasegawa1969, Doinikov1994Rigid

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.014 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 9 MB

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