Doinikov (viscous fluid - compressible sphere; 1994)#

We have implemented a modified version of the following paper.Doinikov covers in this publication also the case of a liquid droplet or gas bubble in another gas and the case of a gas bubble in a liquid. In those cases the surface tension coefficient \(\sigma\) introduced in \(p_{st}\) in equation (3.19) may be of relevance. For now, we have only implemented the case where \(\sigma = 0\). This is generally a good assumption, for compressible particles or liquid droplets in liquids.

In addition, Doinikov states for some limiting cases of the acoustic radiation force that this theory is not different from already available theories, e.g. in section 6.2.1. In those cases, we also did not implement this but raise an error and point to another model of our framework that covers this special case.

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Inheritance diagram of


Base class for Doinikov (viscous fluid-viscous sphere; 1994)


Coefficient Matrix Doinikov (viscous fluid-viscous sphere; 1994)


Scattering field of Doinikov (viscous fluid-viscous sphere; 1994)


ARF class for Doinikov (viscous fluid-viscous sphere; 1994)